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 344 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.47 MB, 1 tiedosto, 28.01.2018 22:25:15
[ + 3 | ]

Ghost - He Is


(296)  · 


(22)  · 


28.01.2018 22:26:22
#23750 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"He Is"

We're standing here by the abyss and the world is in flames.
Two star-crossed lovers reaching out to the beast with many names.

He is
He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.
And he is
Insurrection, he is spite, he's the force that made me be.
He is
Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater.
He is.

We're hiding here inside a dream and all our doubts are now destroyed.
The guidance of the morning stars will lead the way into the void.

He is
He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.
And he is
Insurrection, he is spite, he's the force that made me be.
He is
Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater.
He is.

He is
He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.
And he is
Insurrection, he is spite, he's the force that made me be.
He is
He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see.
And he is
The disobedience that holds us together.
He is
Nostro dis pater, nostr' alma mater.
And we are falling over the precipice.

[ 3 viestiä | ]