Rekisteröitynyt 30.06.2017 17:34:36
Sukupuoli Muu (ei se lehmä)
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+0   02.04.2019 22:21:30    
No Angels nor Demons

Flickering droplets of light travel slow and illuminate even the mightiest of pyramids.

Bareknuckle absurdities, agony in reverse.

Carcinogenic coupling with diversionary blame.

Grandiose things executed in surgical axis, howling arson bottled and ground to shimmering shards.

Plastic bribery; heretically noble and agonizingly groovy.

One bliss under rainfall.

Fiberglass bluebirds came a baffling blockade.

Already demolishment looms over the distilled fracture; a cognitive clinic for the nominally sane.

Bite that takes.

Just all it takes, for the shivering plunge.

Finite preciousness, a touch on the hips.

Draw breath as though you were in flames and drink from those lips.
02.04.2019 22:25:10 | 22:30:51
#181065 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Oikeat sanat videoon -

E lucevan le stelle,
Ed olezzava la terra
Stridea l'uscio dell'orto
E un passo sfiorava la rena.
Entrava ella fragrante,
Mi cadea fra la braccia.

O dolci baci, o languide carezze,
Mentr'io fremente le belle forme disciogliea dai veli!
Svanì per sempre il sogno mio d'amore.
L'ora è fuggita, e muoio disperato!
E muoio disperato!
E non ho amato mai tanto la vita!
Tanto la vita!

(Literal translation)
The stars were shining,
And the earth was scented.
The gate of the garden creaked
And a footstep grazed the sand...
Fragrant, she entered
And fell into my arms.

Oh, sweet kisses and languorous caresses,
While feverishly I stripped the beautiful form of its veils!
Forever, my dream of love has vanished.
That moment has fled, and I die in desperation.
And I die in desperation!
And I never before loved life so much,
Loved life so much!

[ 2 viestiä | ]