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mmmmm mmmmm
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Mmm Mmm
Muikea Tora ja uuniturska Muikea Tora ja uuniturska
 438 näyttökertaa, 6 viestiä, 0.07 MB, 1 tiedosto, 24.05.2024 12:07:18
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Shibe doge on menehtynyt

[70734] [tiedosto.jpg] [0.07 MB] [617x845] [] []


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24.05.2024 17:02:42 | 17:03:55
#622617 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

May 24, 2024

The original meme featured the female Shiba Inu dog, Kabosu. Kabosu which was first pictured in a 2010 blog post by Sato; afterward, variations of the pictures using overlaid Comic Sans text were posted from a Tumblr blog, Shiba Confessions.[8] However, the use of the intentionally misspelled "Doge" dates back to June 2005, when it was mentioned in an episode of Homestar Runner's puppet series.[9] The meme began to grow in popularity after it was used on Reddit in October 2010 in a post titled "LMBO LOOK @ THIS FUKKEN DOGE."[2][8] Kabosu died on May 24, 2024, at the age of 18.[10][11]

Some of the other characters used in the meme are based on photographs of real dogs. Cheems is based on an image of a dog named Balltze, from Hong Kong; he was adopted at the age of one and was nine years old in 2020.[4] He had leukemia and was undergoing thoracentesis (the draining of fluid from his chest) when he died on August 18, 2023, aged 12


[ 6 viestiä | ]