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 298 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.07 MB, 1 tiedosto, 25.08.2019 04:32:07
[ + 0 | ]

U.D.O. - Hungry and Angry

25.08.2019 04:32:54 | 04:45:14
#239726 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

If you're looking for something
And you're thinking of nothing (yeeeah...)
If you think you're somebody (hahahaaa...)
One day you'll be lucky

High and dry
Hungry eyes
Read my lips
Sunken ships

We are hungry and angry
We are hungry for you
We are hungry and angry
Hungry and angry for you!

So I think you're a nothing
You mean nothing to me
So you try to be someone?
Think you'll be lucky? (oh f'ck it)

High and dry
Hungry eyes
Read my lips
Sunken ships

We are hungry and angry
We are hungry for you
We are hungry and angry
Hungry and angry for you!

So I think you're a nothing
You mean nothing to me
So you try to be someone?
Think you'll be lucky?

[ 1 viestiä | ]