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 79 näyttökertaa, 5 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 14.01.2020 22:54:00
[ + 3 | ]

Opeth - April Ethereal

14.01.2020 22:54:23 | 22:55:49
#293820 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

It was me, peering through the looking-glass.
Beyond the embrace of Christ.
Like the secret face within the tapestry.
Like a bird of prey over the crest.
And she was swathed in sorrow, as if born within its mask.

Her candlelight snuffed, the icon smiled.
Emptiness followed by her wake.
I could clasp her in undying love.
Within ghostlike rapture the final word was mine.

She faced me in awe.

'twas a token of ebony colour.
Embodied in faint vapour.
Wandering through April's fire.
Compelled to grasp and to hold the one that was you.

I will endure, hide away.
I would outrun the scythe, glaring with failure.

It is a mere destiny I thought, a threshold I had crossed before.
The rain was waving goodbye, and when the night came
the forest folded its branches around me.
Something passed by, and I went into a dream.
She laughing and weeping at once: "take me away".

I don't know how or why, I'll never know WHEN.

[ 5 viestiä | ]