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 339 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 30.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 22.03.2019 06:18:56
[ + 3 - | ]

LET'S ROCK!!!! 'YEEEAAHH!' | Aliens (1986) [DIRECTORS CUT]

[26591] [tiedosto.mp4] [30.1 MB] [1280x720] [] []








22.03.2019 09:32:11 | 09:33:13
#174697 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

- "Lieutenant, what do those pulse rifles fire?"
- "10 millimeter explosive tip caseless. Standard light armor piercing rounds, why?"
- "Well, look where your team is. They're right under the primary heat exchangers."
- "So?"
- "So, if they fire their weapons in there, won't they rupture the cooling system? "
- "Woah woah. Yeah, she's absolutely right."
- "So, so what?"
- "Look, this whole station is basically a big fusion reactor... right? So you're talkin' about a thermonuclear explosion and "Adiós, muchachos.""
- "Oh, great. Wonderful. Shit!"

22.03.2019 21:24:10
#175063 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


- "Look, uh, Apone."
- "Look, we can't have any firing in there. I, uh... I want you to collect magazines from everybody."
- "Is he fuckin' crazy"
- "What the hell are we supposed to use, man, harsh language?"

[ 3 viestiä | ]