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Perustettu 11.12.2017 21:03:30 Jäseniä 4 Vierailuja 933 Medioita 691

Rakkautta rajatta

The Cranberries - Dreams The Cranberries - Dreams
Hehe Hehe
Gojira - Oroborus Gojira - Oroborus
Nine Inch Nails - Came Back Haunted (Audio) Nine Inch Nails - Came Back Haunted (Audio)
Joulupäivä? Jihuu! :3 Joulupäivä? Jihuu! :3
Cannibal Corpse "Evisceration Plague" (OV) Cannibal Corpse "Evisceration Plague" (OV)
Börheät tuulet puhaltavat Börheät tuulet puhaltavat
Musavideo - We Were Soldiers / M.M. (John Wick soundtrack) Musavideo - We Were Soldiers / M.M.  (John Wick soundtrack)
Heräsin YYYYAAAAH! :3 Heräsin YYYYAAAAH! :3
Marilyn Manson - Down in the Park (gary newman cover, live) Marilyn Manson - Down in the Park (gary newman cover, live)
Slipknot - Vermillion Pt.2 (Lyric Video) Slipknot - Vermillion Pt.2 (Lyric Video)
O hi! Low five! O hi! Low five!
Marilyn Manson - Deep six Marilyn Manson - Deep six
Aktiiviköllöttelyä à la Maikki :3 Aktiiviköllöttelyä à la Maikki :3
Primus - Prof. Nutbutter's House of Treats/Mrs. Baileen (etc.) Primus - Prof. Nutbutter's House of Treats/Mrs. Baileen (etc.)
MacGruber sijoittaa MacGruber sijoittaa
The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize The Chemical Brothers - Galvanize
Haluaisin työntää korpun lerppuaukkoosi Haluaisin työntää korpun lerppuaukkoosi
Vain roolipelijutut Vain roolipelijutut
Slipknot - Duality (OV) Slipknot - Duality (OV)
Enpäs nuggunudkaan 😹 Enpäs nuggunudkaan 😹
Are you kitting me? Heräile keskenäsi huumon >:3 Are you kitting me? Heräile keskenäsi huumon >:3
Järkeenkäypää Järkeenkäypää
 49 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
10.08.2020 22:38:13
[ + 0 | ]

MESHUGGAH - Break Those Bones Whose Sinews Gave It Motion 

10.08.2020 22:39:57 | 12:30:52
#373274 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Tremors, reverberating
Frequency of doom
How strongly the violent thoughts of vengeance echo
Setting in motion the strings of hate


This is the soundtrack to our hostility
To our mailcious intent
To the pointless grudge forever held
The callow dream, the dismal wish to harm

Animate now
The twisted sounds
Of our disdain
Our rage
The notations
To our contempt
To unforgiveness and loathing

A sonic declaration of spite
And resentment
Its resonance grinding to dust our souls
The twine of revenge tightly strung

Its subharmonics
The undoing of all
So enticing
The retaliation
Chords of
The all-deafening
Oscillation of the damned

Let forth the hateful
The murderous
Let their malignant prayers resound
The reverbant
Odious request
The wish of death abound

So enticing
The retalitation - chords of man
The all-deafening

Oscillation of the damned

[ 1 viestiä | ]