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 287 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 0.82 MB, 1 tiedosto, 05.04.2018 22:59:00
[ + 1 | ]

Alkaloid - "Cthulhu" (Official Music Video)


(244)  · 


(297)  · 


05.04.2018 23:00:24 | 23:05:07
#44630 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"Cthulhu" [Kah'tuul'hu]

I remember
Before the Watchers came
Before Time became a lie

I remember
When molten soil fed but flame
When we brought water from the sky

I am hunger
Contracting into cells
I am the anger
Wherein the hunger dwells

My temples have been torn asunder
My children lost
Forlorn they wander
Until my body is reborn in thunder
That crushes the world

Buried in the deep
Awaken from your sleep
No more in death to lie
For even death may die

I can see where you are
Sense the fear in you
Taste the blood of a star
Feel me breathe in your soul
Like the poets of old
For they always knew

When the lids of the one eternal eye unfold
Nothing but itself it shall behold

And asunder
The universe is torn
From under the endless seas shall be born a wonder
A rift in space-time to adorn and plunder
The ruins of a lie

I am the keeper of the gate
Herald of the Ancients
Physical mind
If you seek yourself in me
Me in you is all you will find

Reality is torn
From under pulsing skin shall be born a wonder
A new breed of creature to adorn and plunder
The ruins of a world

Buried in the deep
Awaken from your sleep
No more in death to lie
For even death may die

[ 1 viestiä | ]