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 247 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 0.48 MB, 1 tiedosto, 07.02.2018 02:30:57
[ + 1 | ]

Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness [Official Video]

07.02.2018 02:36:32 | 02:39:12
#26341 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"God Of Emptiness"

And you'll fill their souls
With all the precious of this world
And all the glory you'll receive?
So what makes you supreme?
Lies, and your crown is falling
I offer fantasy, and you
Create the blind, with envy

Let the children come to me
Their mother loves me, so shall they
Woman, bleeding, ate my gifts
Man was close behind
Just like a snake I'm slithering
Through my world divine
And like the cat I'm stalking
I'll take your soul and you'll be like me
In emptiness
In emptiness

And you'll fill their souls
With all the precious of this world
And all the glory you'll receive?
So what makes you supreme?
Lies, and your crown is falling
I offer fantasy, and you
Create the blind, with envy

Let the children come to me
Their mother loves me, so shall they
Woman, bleeding, ate my gifts
Man was close behind
Just like a snake I'm slithering
Through my world divine
And like the cat I'm stalking
I'll take your soul and you'll be like me
In emptiness
In emptiness

Bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
Bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly

Bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly
Bow to me faithfully
Bow to me splendidly

[ 1 viestiä | ]