Let's grab a gold switchblade And make us a blood pact, babe To love and to fuck and to only see ourselves And remember this
Your hotel-heart won't be so vacant And I can tell that you ain't faking Because I take death threats Like the best of them
Would you kill, kill, kill for me? I love you enough to ask you again Would you kill, kill, kill for me? You won't be kissing me unless you kill for me Kill, kill, kill for me
Bloody noses are just like roses But what happens when we are betrayed? Would you drag them to the shed And unload six rounds in their fucking face? This is a sacrifice
Your hotel-heart won't be so vacant And I can tell that you ain't faking Because I take death threats Like the best of them
Would you kill, kill, kill for me? I love you enough to ask you again Would you kill, kill, kill for me? You won't be kissing me unless you kill for me
Sideways for attention, longways for results Who are you going to cross? Sideways for attention, longways for results Who are you going to cross? Sideways for attention, longways for results Who are you going to cross?
Would you kill, kill, kill for me? I love you enough to ask you again Would you kill, kill, kill for me? I love you enough to ask you again Would you kill, kill, kill for me? You won't be kissing me unless you kill for me
Kill, kill, kill for me Kill, kill, kill for me
Sideways for attention, longways for results Who are you going to cross?
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Say that you love me
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Hallitse mua kovempaa isukki
Calypson kapteeni
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Olet kissettänyt minua viimeisen kerran >:3
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Jomppanen ei katoa muistoistamme koskaan ;___; :3
Musavideo - We Were Soldiers / M.M. (John Wick soundtrack)