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:3 :3
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 167 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 02.12.2019 09:08:53
[ + 0 | ]

Gogol Bordello - Alcohol

02.12.2019 09:09:46 | 09:27:09
#277712 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Yeah o yeah you seen me walk
On burning bridges
Yeah o yeah you seen me fall
In love with witches
And you know my head is held
Inside by stitches
Yet you know I did survive
All of your lovely sieges

And you know that I'll pick up
Every time you call
Just to thank you one more time


And you know that I'll survive
Every time you come
Just to thank you one more time
For everything you've done


And I'm sorry some of us
Given you bad name
Yeah o yeah, cause without you
Nothing is the same
Yeah o yeah i miss you so
Every time we break up
Just to hit a higher note
Every time we make up

And you know that I'll pick up
Every time you call
Just to thank you one more time


And you know that I'll survive
Every time you come
Just to thank you one more time
For everything you've done

(undistinctive hollering)

Who's crawlin' up my spine - alcohol
I've been waiting long long time - alcohol
Now you teach me how to rhyme - alcohol
Just don't stab me in the back with a cortisol

Now we reunite - alcohol
Now you teach me how to rhyme - alcohol
Screw a light bulb in my head - alcohol
May that ceremony be happy or sad...

And you know that I'll pick up
Every time you call
Just to thank you one more time
For everything you've done

And you know that I'll pick up
Every time you call
Just to thank you one more time


[ 1 viestiä | ]