Not cool man, not cool! ;___; >:3 Not cool man, not cool! ;___; >:3
Nii Nii
Fiksu kaveri Fiksu kaveri
ikkunanpesijä ikkunanpesijä
Olipas paska twisti. R.I.P. ponit Olipas paska twisti. R.I.P. ponit
Sopsy ei oo nähny himo läski homer jaksoa Sopsy ei oo nähny himo läski homer jaksoa
Peitsamo Peitsamo
tsekkaa meidän vene tsekkaa meidän vene
Sinkut tietää Sinkut tietää
routsi routsi
Heppatytön sisäänajo Heppatytön sisäänajo
Vihervassarit Vihervassarit
Fits :3 Fits :3
Oma tekemä las akne Oma tekemä las akne
german people german people
tummaihosten musiikkia tummaihosten musiikkia
Vuh vuh! Vuh vuh!
Brain Dead Brain Dead
Rakas poikakaveri Rakas poikakaveri
Juhla mokkaa Juhla mokkaa
Aina mielessä Aina mielessä
Ähly ja unelma Ähly ja unelma
Lähtisitkö lenkille kulta? Lähtisitkö lenkille kulta?
kuka se oli :3 kuka se oli :3
 209 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.01 MB, 1 tiedosto, 30.07.2019 06:47:06
[ + 0 | ]

Nine Inch Nails - You Know What You Are

30.07.2019 06:48:32 | 06:51:44
#231617 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

I tried to sneak myself through, tried to get to the other side
I had to patch up the cracks and the holes that I have to hide
For a little bit of time even made it work okay
Just long enough to really make it hurt
When they figured me out and it all just rotted away

Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong

You better take a good look cause I'm full of shit
With every bit of my heart I've tried to believe in it
You can dress it all up, you can try to pretend
But you can't change anything
You can't change anything
In the end

Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong

Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are
Remember where you came from, remember what you are!

Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong
Don't you fucking know what you are?
Go on get back to where you belong

[ 1 viestiä | ]