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Opi Japania! Opi Japania!
All you have done All you have done
Huomaatko eron? Huomaatko eron?
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Booty Bellringer Booty Bellringer
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astui kamuunsa astui kamuunsa
Kehitys Kehitys
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Shroomepsteins didn't shroom himself Shroomepsteins didn't shroom himself
unelmat eivät toteunuteetkaan :( unelmat eivät toteunuteetkaan :(
Enso Enso
viron kieli viron kieli
Teoreetikot Teoreetikot
Sairaan paha kaatuminen Sairaan paha kaatuminen
 275 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 1.88 MB, 1 tiedosto, 05.01.2019 15:23:07
[ + 0 | ]

Amon Amarth - First Kill

05.01.2019 15:23:38
#142072 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

The first man I killed was the earl's right-hand man
When he came to take her away
I ran his own sword straight through his throat
And then I stood there, watching him fade

The first blood I spilled was the blood of a varg
I had to wipe his smile away
I was not yet a man, nor was I a boy
But still, I made that bastard pay

So I left him there, on the stained floor
Bathing in a pool of his own blood
My one and only choice was to flee this land
To leave this wretched place for good

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son

Through the cold midwinter nights on a southbound winding path
The stars and moon my only light; and the earl's men closing fast
I swore that I'd return; that I would see him burn
I will live it in my dreams; the smell, the blood, his dying screams

To my father I was dead, he took his name from me
He drove me away, I was shunned
My one and only choice was to leave this land
To become the pagan they would hunt

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son

I am an outcast
All alone
I'm a nomad without home

I am an outlaw
I'm disowned
And I am no man's son

[ 1 viestiä | ]