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 376 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.12 MB, 1 tiedosto, 02.08.2018 22:13:04
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Piilota tuskasi tyylillä

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02.08.2018 22:31:35 | 22:35:17
#79911 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Never leave home without it.

"Howling At The Moon"

I got everything
And I know what to do
I can run the show
Count the inventory too
Howling at the moon
Howling at the moon
I can fire .45's all day into the sun
And say goodbye

Not the shooting stars
Not the crashing cars
Not the future past
Was made to last
I didn't know
I didn't know
I didn't

At night I cry and howl at the moon
At night I cry and howl at the moon

Say goodbye for now
And I'll say it again
All the stars at night
Won't save my friend
Howl at the moon
Howl at the moon
Howl at the

At night I cry and howl at the moon
At night I cry and howl at the moon

And if I ever fall asleep
I'll turn it around and face the scene
Yeah I will crucify my dreams to be on your side
To see you alive
To see you alive
To see you alive

At night I cry and howl at the moon
At night I cry and howl at the moon

And if I ever fall asleep
I'll turn it around and face the scene
Yeah I will crucify my dreams to be on your side
To see you alive
To see you alive
To see you alive

[ 3 viestiä | ]