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 493 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.63 MB, 1 tiedosto, 06.03.2018 00:44:38
[ + 2 | ]

Fever Ray - When I Grow up


(6)  · 




06.03.2018 00:56:46
#35283 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

When I grow up
I want to be a forester
Run through the moss on high heels

That's what I'll do
Throwing out a boomerang
Waiting for it to come back to me

When I grow up
I want to live near the sea
Crab claws and bottles of rum
That's what I'll have
Staring at a seashell
Waiting for it to embrace me

I put my soul into what I do
Last night I drew a funny man
With dog eyes and a hanging tongue
It goes way back
I never like that sad look
From someone who wants to be loved by you

You've got cucumbers on your eyes
Too much time spent on nothing
Waiting for a moment to arise
The face in the ceiling
And arms too long
I'm waiting for him to catch me

Waiting for it to embrace me oh ooh-ooh

[ 3 viestiä | ]