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 425 näyttökertaa, 3 viestiä, 0.08 MB, 1 tiedosto, 16.09.2022 16:30:56
[ + 6 | ]

Kratos ja olut

[67554] [tiedosto.jpg] [0.08 MB] [960x540] [] []


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(5)  · 

god of war



16.09.2022 17:13:00 | 17:13:25
#599400 [+3] Piilota Suosittele

In my frozen spirit
Is a chaos quenched in cold
Still smouldering in the ashes of my soul
On the hunt relive it
For the cub must learn his role
To clench all the reckless rage into control
Steel and rags are covering the shame

In the arms of the father
Marks of a history
Old tales on the water
Cold affinity
In the arms of the father
Scars of a past concealed
In the cracks in the armour
Brands of regret beneath the steel

[ 3 viestiä | ]