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 75 näyttökertaa, 1 viesti, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 15.04.2020 20:49:55
[ + 1 | ]

Steven Wilson - The Same Asylum As Before

15.04.2020 20:50:42
#331961 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Are you proud of all your failures?
Are you dragging mother nature down?
You believe you have dominion
So you force your lame opinions on me
And my eggshell mind

Wake it up to see through you
We'll all disappear in the same asylum as before
Make it up you always do
It's tough to live here in the same asylum as before

You have your inspiration
You control in domination, yeah
You represent the people
But you don't believe in free will for me
And my eggshell mind

Wake it up to see through you
We'll all disappear in the same asylum as before
Make it up you always do
It's tough to live here in the same asylum as before

The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before

Wake it up to see through you
We'll all disappear in the same asylum as before
Make it up you always do
It's tough to live here in the same asylum as before

The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before

The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before
The same asylum as before

[ 1 viestiä | ]