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It It
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pääsi uimaan pääsi uimaan
asu bileet asu bileet
 297 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto, 15.01.2020 00:26:24
[ + 2 | ]

Death - Leprosy

15.01.2020 00:26:32
#293853 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Bodies deformed way beyond belief
Cast out from their concerned society
Flesh contorting day after day
Freak of the dark world is what the people say

Their lives decay before their eyes
There is no hope of cure
Among their own kind they live
A life that's so obscure
First an arm and then a leg
Deterioration grows
Rotting while they breathe - Death comes slow

Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal life to live just like the rest
Leprosy will spread with time, your body soon to change
Appearance becomes hideous a sight too much to take

Tuberculoid the most severe
Decay of the nerves comes fast
Sense of feeling soon to be gone
Life will never last

No hope of recovery after the nerves are eaten away
Damage is done you feel no more pain
Bones decay deterioration grows
Origin of this horrid disease nobody knows

Their lives decay before their eyes
There is no hope of cure
Among their own kind they live
A life that's so obscure
First an arm and then a leg
Deterioration grows
Rotting while they breathe - Death comes slow

Leprosy will take control and bring you to your death
No chance of a normal life to live just like the rest
Leprosy will spread with time, your body soon to change
Appearance becomes hideous a sight too much to take

[ 2 viestiä | ]