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anna suukko anna suukko
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 473 näyttökertaa, 2 viestiä, 13.07 MB, 1 tiedosto, 07.03.2019 03:23:48
[ + 2 | ]

PLACEBO - Every You Every Me

[25878] [tiedosto.mp4] [13.07 MB] [480x252] [215.06s] [] []








(46)  · 


(11)  · 

vain koska pitää

07.03.2019 03:25:25
#168551 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

Sucker love is heaven sent
You pucker up, our passion's spent
My heart's a tart, your body's rent
My body's broken, yours is bent

Carve your name into my arm
Instead of stressed, I lie here charmed
Cause there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you

Sucker love, a box I choose
No other box I choose to use
Another love I would abuse
No circumstances could excuse

In the shape of things to come
Too much poison come undone
Cause there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you
Every me and every you
Every me...

Sucker love is known to swing
Prone to cling and waste these things
Pucker up for heavens sake
There's never been so much at stake

I serve my head up on a plate
It's only comfort, calling late
Cause there's nothing else to do
Every me and every you
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...

Like the naked leads the blind
I know I'm selfish, I'm unkind
Sucker love I always find
Someone to bruise and leave behind

All alone in space and time
There's nothing here but what here's mine
Something borrowed, something blue
Every me and every you
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...
Every me and every you
Every me...

07.03.2019 18:27:42 | 18:39:12
#168768 [+-] Piilota Suosittele


Niin oletkin. Täysi apina joka osaa vain ottaa neekerin kyrpää peräaukkoonsa.

Haiset lannalle ja siskosi pillulle. Vammainen olento.

[ 2 viestiä | ]