Fitta, katten! Fitta, katten!
that escalated quickly that escalated quickly
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börhelöiset :3 börhelöiset :3
paskaa paskaa
eikun lisääntymään... eikun lisääntymään...
Iiris pierii Iiris pierii
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mannekiini mannekiini
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Omaehtoinen aivosoluharvennus Omaehtoinen aivosoluharvennus
vauva :3 vauva :3
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tämä olikin virhe :3 tämä olikin virhe :3
Esittely Esittely
 526 näyttökertaa, 7 viestiä, 1.32 MB, 1 tiedosto, 13.09.2018 18:09:44
[ + 3 | ]

Cuphead Car Chase


(5)  · 


(293)  · 


13.09.2018 18:14:48
#96163 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

"For anyone wanting to know more about this case: Perp's name was Ryan Stone, then 28, and he led police on an hour-and-a-half long chase from Longmont to Parker, which began when he stole a car with a four-year-old boy inside. He stole several cars, trashed a couple of them, and nearly killed a Colorado state trooper that was throwing out stop sticks, in addition to driving the wrong way, driving on the shoulder, and excessive speeding. He's blamed his actions on drugs while never taking full responsibility, and he even thought he stood to profit from the hits the news video got on YouTube, considering it trended domestically and overseas. He was sentenced to 160 years in prison for this ordeal, and he'll be eligible for parole in April of 2109."

[ 7 viestiä | ]