Jon looks up and he thinks, "Now where could my pipe be?" And then it happens. You see it - you see, it's almost like divine intervention, suddenly, it is there, and it overpowers you - a cat is smoking a pipe. It is the man's pipe, it's Jon's pipe, but the cat, this cat Garfield is smoking the pipe. And from afar, from some place near but not clear, near but not clear, the man calls out - Jon calls out, he's shocked - "Garfield!" he shouts. Garfield. The cat's name.
4 viestiä
hahaa etpäs mahdu siitä :3
Minttua! >:3
Kummasta kissa tykkää - raakaa vai keitettyä lihaa?
Tilukset tasapainoisessa tarkastelussa :3
Foster kittens meet the bengals
Hiiop! :3
pelkäsi :3
Huomenta! :3 Mäy mäy mäy! :3
Kaikki on hyvin :3
Meet The Amazing Acro-Cats, an all-cat circus troupe