We passed upon the stair Although I wasn't there He said I was his friend Which came as some surprise I spoke into his eyes I thought you died alone A long long time ago
Oh no, not me I never lost control You're face to face With the man who sold the world
I laughed and shook his hand, And made my way back home I searched for form and land For years and years I roamed I gazed a gazely stare And all the millions here We must have died alone A long long time ago
Who knows? not me We never lost control You're face to face With the man who sold the world
1 viestiä
Iron Maiden - Aces High (OV)
Gojira - Oroborus
Teknofiikinkin bailaus musat
Hyvää venäläistä musaa. Ja kauneutta.
Tom Shed - Fear
Thee Oh Sees - The Dream
Tummankeltanen uloste
Ajattara - Ilon Päivä (lyrics)
Rytmihäiriö - Osaako huora uida?
Blastoyz - Mandala (OV)
Shatner Queen
People = Shit
Wice - Traveller
Abominable Iron Sloth - I’d Rather Die Than Fly
Mortin pentuleikit ja muuta vanhempaa kuvastoa musiikin tahtiin