behold! children ov Cain all beings not ov reptilian form be upon them! spare none! mercy cast aside! those who feareth not my sacred blade shall be blessed
repent not! Thou art man god is no more rise now above the weakness ov flesh come forth! join ye the arsenals ov blasphemy follow the One who spurred Roman warring legions
rise up! o power from sea below all seas SIRIUS! DRACONIS! awake from everlasting dream! spirits ov abomination formless Thou hath appeared before me I am before all things
chthonic gods! those from beyond the stars commander ov hosts devour the flesh ov man may their weapons melt like wax may their tongues be torn apart may Apophis grind their bones may their ashes be scattered all around...
[lead: Nergal]
(hail santa!)
hear me! o vermin! how couldst Thou fall so low? redemption thru denial restriction becomes a sin mankind! so pure... castrate Thy impotent god vomit forth the blasphemy and forever shalt Thee win
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