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Perustettu 30.08.2018 14:51:03 Jäseniä 17 Vierailuja 1 725 Medioita 1379

Kaikki musiikkimediat jne.

Sabaton - The Last Stand with Orchestra Sabaton - The Last Stand with Orchestra
Incubus - Wish You Were Here Incubus - Wish You Were Here
A Funeral For The Masses A Funeral For The Masses
SABATON - Soldier Of Heaven SABATON - Soldier Of Heaven
Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (Official Video) Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (Official Video)
CMX - Kultanaamio CMX - Kultanaamio
Cameo - Word Up (OV) Cameo - Word Up (OV)
Tom Shed - Fear Tom Shed - Fear
Marilyn Manson - In the Shadow of the Valley of Death (lyrics) Marilyn Manson - In the Shadow of the Valley of Death (lyrics)
Kero kero bonito - Flamingo Kero kero bonito - Flamingo
Goatwhore "Apocalyptic Havoc" (OV) Goatwhore "Apocalyptic Havoc" (OV)
Faces of My Victims Faces of My Victims
Edu Kehäkettunen - Kun Pertti tuli kylään Edu Kehäkettunen - Kun Pertti tuli kylään
Richard Cheese - Creep Richard Cheese - Creep
The Marlboro Men - Who Says You Can't Get High at 95mph (FA) The Marlboro Men - Who Says You Can't Get High at 95mph (FA)
Cattle Decapitation - Vulturous Cattle Decapitation - Vulturous
My dad had to play this in the car and now I'm hooked My dad had to play this in the car and now I'm hooked
Alice Cooper - Man Behind The Mask Alice Cooper -  Man Behind The Mask
College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive OST) College & Electric Youth - A Real Hero (Drive OST)
Michael Müller - Panzer Division Wiking Michael Müller - Panzer Division Wiking
Van Halen Runnin With The Devil (live, US Festival 1983) Van Halen Runnin With The Devil (live, US Festival 1983)
Ghost - Square Hammer Ghost - Square Hammer
Meshuggah - I am Colossus Meshuggah - I am Colossus
 934 näyttökertaa, 4 viestiä, 7.52 MB, 1 tiedosto
30.04.2019 00:11:50
[ + 11 - | ]

What does the black say?

[28852] [KSI-nigger.mp4] [7.52 MB] [640x360] [] []


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rucka rucka ali

30.04.2019 00:57:35
#195728 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

ihan hassua mut täs täytyy huomioida et se on ite reagoinu tähän ja ite varmaan editoinuki että niin kovaa kipua se nyt sitten oli

30.04.2019 12:05:20
#195850 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

ite varmaan editoinuki

Huomattavasti pienemmätkin tubettajat hommaa itelleen jengii jotka editoi videot niille. Villi veikkaus että ei ite editoi mitään. Toki on mahdollista että editoi, mutta ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

[ 4 viestiä | ]