The great stone walls Rise above our heads, Cold and sad Pale light, a dusty veil
The sun makes its way in Destitute, weak You're at my side again Faithful guide unfailing, Here we stand among the others The living among the dead
Veins still flowing full Lungs filled with white light
Push forward Lifeless bodies swept aside They are on us Cast a net of armor Over our heads Hide our life Lest it be lifted from us
We must leave this place Of deathly decay
Don't look back, press on
2. Ghost Key
It's cold. Snowing blue light dusk settles...
A fire burns with failing light Against the growing darkness
Bending over the dying flames You were with me then and always
Through the fluttering veil of frozen blue, A hooded figure cuts its path To cleave the night in two. Pull its outer husk from its body and the rest escapes,
And there upon the ground the remnants of our struggle.
This is the ghost key This is our ghost key This is our ghost key
3. Hand Of The Host
It is here That vice indulged Bleeds the living Of their trust
And now the Chosen children play Never to Lay rest
Hand of the host Extended from his fingers Dangles scented flesh
Bodies offered spun From infant minds Perfect in their Empty conception
To be devoured By my lustful heart I am commanded "do as thou wilt"
Through the halls I am lead Following I am lead
"writhe and gnaw each other's flesh"
He lies uncovered This ancient man Of bristle and bone Hoary and unwashed His lonely soul Fills the room
Our reverie Lays broken on the floor Cast him out into the throngs Into unholy laughter
4. Wavering Radiant
5. Stone To Wake A Serpent
We four, bound by blood Standing in the crossroads
On the underside of the world Waiting our turn
Here we see Coiled serpent Black and baking In the sun
Stone is flung Serpent wakens Arrow of poison Pierces our hearts
Teeth sink into tender flesh Lightning strikes, too fast to see
We seek succor for the stricken Pleas met with spiteful laughs
Slow advance, not to stir the poison Its course fast and merciless
Merciless, merciless
In vast halls, buried in hurried hordes No help found here, only dreadful tears
6. 20 Minutes / 40 Years
Tendrils extend from the cloudy black mass
They slither and slide through the ones and zeroes Prophecy of collapse unfolds Last grain of sand spirals down the hole
Chance has graced me with a gift Grasp at gold before the dark descends Sun beats down and panic reigns In this time of endings
Eyes are shut, feet are bare For this journey I'm unprepared
I walk on Sight renewed Seek new life I seek new life Walk on
Seeking her, the one I wish to see She wanders the outer lands From the grasp of wolves I will pluck her
Twin arteries flow with the pulse of one mighty heart
7. Threshold Of Transformation
I've arrived city of lucid dreams Before me a building Looms caked in inky grime
The act unknown Actor in sleep Here I enter, and here I see The circle and bones made in haste
Winds to anoint the faithful
Amorphous specter turns From old to new Rests in faith beside me We wait for the quiet fire To be born and there it is Embodied by a boy His voice small and grey Whispers smoke to the chosen
Upon our heads he places crowns Sewn with hiss and higher tones
The boy presses whispers into her And they bathe in valley's pale rain
8. Way Through Woven Branches
[Bonus on Japanese release]
He and I Seek the silent Halfway through Beneath
Traveling in The woven Branches of Another world
Got to hall ending Step from the living trees My trial now Let come to pass He and I On a silent path
This is The way we know We go on
This is the hope Woven branches Falling Take our weights
I see this Down this way A place
So it comes to pass We go our separate ways A solitary course To a place of rest
Passing through the Golden grey This is the way The only way
On a course Bring them to Our place of rest
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