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Perustettu 24.02.2018 23:55:33 Jäseniä 2 Vierailuja 197 Medioita 52

Juhlitaan musiikkia ja elämää!

Kermit sings hurt Kermit sings hurt
Slayer feat.Vanessa Paradis - South of taxi (1988) Slayer feat.Vanessa Paradis - South of taxi (1988)
Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover) Peaches (The Presidents of the United States of America cover)
“Freak on a Leash” (Korn) Swing Cover by Robyn Adele Anderson “Freak on a Leash” (Korn) Swing Cover by Robyn Adele Anderson
MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001 MC Taakibörsta: PA 2001
Pappa vetää Pappa vetää
Bee Gees - Tragedy Bee Gees - Tragedy
Metal Preaching Metal Preaching
Immortal-The Sun No Longer Rises (Radio Disney Version) Immortal-The Sun No Longer Rises (Radio Disney Version)
The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell The Black Satans - The Satan Of Hell
Bill Withers and Pantera - "Use My Mouth for War" Bill Withers and Pantera - "Use My Mouth for War"
The Final Countdown (Metal Cover) The Final Countdown (Metal Cover)
Progressive Death Metal Progressive Death Metal
The Federal Empire - I Never Liked Your Friends (OV) The Federal Empire - I Never Liked Your Friends (OV)
Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli) Zombie (metal cover by Leo & Stine Moracchioli)
It´s the End of the World as We Know It (cover) It´s the End of the World as We Know It  (cover)
DJ Cummerbund - Play That Funky Music Rammstein DJ Cummerbund - Play That Funky Music Rammstein
Ascii Wars Ascii Wars
DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper DIE ANTWOORD - Cookie Thumper
Funkytown (cover) Funkytown (cover)
Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal Mary Poppins Sings - Death Metal
Toto - Africa (metal cover - Leo Moracchioli (Ft. Rabea & Ha Toto - Africa (metal cover - Leo Moracchioli (Ft. Rabea & Ha
Mortin pentuleikit ja muuta vanhempaa kuvastoa musiikin tahtiin Mortin pentuleikit ja muuta vanhempaa kuvastoa musiikin tahtiin
Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version) Behemoth - Demigod (Radio Disney version)
 309 näyttökertaa, 5 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
04.09.2020 12:04:19
[ + 3 | ]

Dark sided

[47261] [Dark sided] [0.00s]




04.09.2020 12:06:28 | 13:58:04
#383492 [+-] Piilota Suosittele

(vapaata transkriptiota, en kaikkia tuon sekopään turinoita jaksanut kuunnella moneen kertaan)

They're not Christian
(did you not ask if she believed in god?)
She's not a Christian!

[talking with tongues]

I refuse you in the name of the lord!
Everything is ungodly! [x6]

'Cause I'm the warrior, I ask all the questions
Take your money and take whatever you've got
And git out of my house!
In Jesus's. name..
In Jesus's name I pray.

'Cause I'm the warrior

[ 5 viestiä | ]