Árvasduottar Such a plentiful domain From the corner of one eye to the other Wholly white A sumptuous sea Árvas
From Lulličohkka we go west Cross the sea of Sieidevárri Through Niedá and the valleys To Árvas
Our corral is in Durbbonjávri There is Gáissáš and Bálggesnjunni Hearraláhku To the turf huts In Bárká
Heed yourself on Heaikkabákti Avoid stumbles in the fog The hallowed char draw you to Rissajávri Liigas held a dwelling Grandmother used to play in the field It is now left abandoned We took home the sleds
1 viestiä
Rammstein - Bestrafe Mich (Live)
It seemed they would start breathing again...
Carach Angren - When Crows Tick On Windows (Official Video)
Metallica drum cover
Slayer - Raining Blood (Cover)
Fit for a king - Bitter end
MESHUGGAH - New Millennium Cyanide Christ
White Zombie ft. Iggy Pop - Black Sunshine (fan video)