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Perustettu 18.01.2018 15:10:36 Jäseniä 13 Vierailuja 915 Medioita 603

Kaikki kelpaa, mikään ei riitä. (lue: genrepoliisit älkää vaivautuko)

Avatar - Vultures Fly (OV) Avatar - Vultures Fly (OV)
Void taste, inane waste. Void taste, inane waste.
COF - From the Cradle Of Enslave (Dani Filth Introducing) COF - From the Cradle Of Enslave (Dani Filth Introducing)
Alice in chains - Them bones Alice in chains - Them bones
MESHUGGAH - New Millennium Cyanide Christ MESHUGGAH - New Millennium Cyanide Christ
Opeth - April Ethereal (w/lyrics, epilepsy warning) Opeth - April Ethereal (w/lyrics, epilepsy warning)
Marilyn Manson - Saturnalia Marilyn Manson - Saturnalia
Marilyn Manson - Refrigerator (1993, demo repro) Marilyn Manson - Refrigerator (1993, demo repro)
Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains (OV) Garbage - Only Happy When It Rains (OV)
terveet kädet - tornion kevät (lyrics) terveet kädet - tornion kevät (lyrics)
Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness [Official Video] Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness [Official Video]
Opeth Blackwater Park (FA) Opeth Blackwater Park (FA)
Marilyn Manson - Coma Black Marilyn Manson - Coma Black
Meshuggah - I am Colossus Meshuggah - I am Colossus
Billy Idol - Shock To The System Billy Idol - Shock To The System
Slipknot - Vermillion Pt.2 (Lyric Video) Slipknot - Vermillion Pt.2 (Lyric Video)
Plissken Theme Plissken Theme
King Diamond- House of God King Diamond- House of God
8 days a week - Debauchery 8 days a week - Debauchery
Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell Dimmu Borgir - Burn in Hell
U.D.O. - Hungry and Angry U.D.O. - Hungry and Angry
Death Strike - Fuckin’ Death (full album, 1991) Death Strike - Fuckin’ Death (full album, 1991)
Ghost - Cirice (OV) Ghost - Cirice (OV)
CMX - Kusimyrsky CMX - Kusimyrsky
 186 näyttökertaa, 0 viestiä, 3.1 MB, 1 tiedosto
13.03.2020 11:25:59
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The Yellow Sign - Exodus (OV)

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