Morning Star Phosporos How Thou shinest in the fiery Empyrean above Paracletus How do I rejoice, for Thy apostles flock around
For Thou art Christ a rebours! L'enfer abides deep within Limbo is stirring up Thy cells Below Sheol, where odium dwells Reverse Davidian psalm The jaws ov Hades set ajar
Let the cold moon lick the blood from my stigmatas Let the burning sun devour gore from my wounds
For I am Christ a rebours! L'enfer abides deep within Limbo is stirring up in my cells Deep down below my odium dwells Reverse Davidian psalm The jaws ov Pandemonium set ajar
"I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore." "I am He who lives, and was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore."
1 viestiä
Ajattara - Suru (Official Music Video)
Autism - Have you found peace? [FA, 2019]
Tuhnulle 30-kypäriset sinfoniat
Megadeath - Bullet To The Brain
Cradle of Filth - No Time To Cry (Uncensored)
Ghost - From The Pinnacle To The Pit (OV)
Nine Inch Nails - Dead Souls
IMMORTAL - Blashyrkh (Mighty Ravendark)
Dream evil - Doomlord
Sabaton - Fields of Verdun
White Zombie ft. Iggy Pop - Black Sunshine (fan video)