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Perustettu 18.01.2018 15:10:36 Jäseniä 13 Vierailuja 1 057 Medioita 604

Kaikki kelpaa, mikään ei riitä. (lue: genrepoliisit älkää vaivautuko)

Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away (OV) Avenged Sevenfold - So Far Away (OV)
Hatebreed - Destroy Everything (feat. Lötköböth) Hatebreed - Destroy Everything (feat. Lötköböth)
Slayer - Repentless Slayer - Repentless
Iron Maiden - Transylvania Iron Maiden - Transylvania
Megadeth - Holy wars Megadeth - Holy wars
Foo Fighter - Everlong Foo Fighter - Everlong
Susperia - Cut from stone Susperia - Cut from stone
Behemoth - Bartzabel (OV) Behemoth - Bartzabel (OV)
Cradle Of Filth - Right Wing Of The Garden Triptych (OV, PG-13) Cradle Of Filth - Right Wing Of The Garden Triptych (OV, PG-13)
Rainbow - I Surrender Rainbow - I Surrender
Avatar - Torn Apart Avatar - Torn Apart
Mirrorthrone - So frail Mirrorthrone - So frail
Turbonegro, All My Friends Are Dead Turbonegro, All My Friends Are Dead
Behemoth - O Father O Satan O Sun! (OV) Behemoth - O Father O Satan O Sun! (OV)
Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the great apocalypse Dimmu Borgir - Progenies of the great apocalypse
Ugly Kid Joe - Cats in the Cradle (OV) Ugly Kid Joe - Cats in the Cradle (OV)
Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals
Corey Taylor - Snuff (Acoustic) Corey Taylor - Snuff (Acoustic)
Mick Gordon - BFG division Mick Gordon - BFG division
LADYBABY "ニッポン饅頭 / Nippon manju "Music Clip LADYBABY "ニッポン饅頭 / Nippon manju "Music Clip
Rip & Tear (live) Rip & Tear (live)
Behemoth - The Satanist (OV) Behemoth - The Satanist (OV)
CMX - Matti (cover) CMX - Matti (cover)
Huora - Maailmanloppu Huora - Maailmanloppu
 242 näyttökertaa, 0 viestiä, 2.16 MB, 1 tiedosto
21.02.2019 19:05:49
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Brocas helm - Cry of the banshee

brocas helm



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