I'm the great Leviathan, insatiable colossus Titanic engulfer of lives, I reward you, absorb you I'm the monstrous mouth that hungers for your awe Immense construction of lies. I own you, disown you
I am life. I'm death. You empower me
I'm a mammoth king evoked, conjured by your dreams Summoned by your fears. You need me, you feed me I'm the imposing giant. Infallible dictator My rules apply to all. You'll heed me, bleed for me
I am life. I'm death. I decide your fate You empower me. You'd even kill for me
Guzzling down your dreams - the tears of unheard pleas I drink, Imbibe with such delight the fear that floods your temporal shell Raging red rivers and streams - the kingdom of my shadow Where dread of man in endless night revives my every cell
To those who doubt - your wounds will never heal To those who question my creation - I'm not real
I am pain. I am grief. I'm the things you fear I'm the lie whispered into your ear I'm the great Leviathan. I'm dominance and greed You imagined me, so I was conceived
I am life. I'm death. You belong to me Call me what I am. I am colossus
1 viestiä
Nirvana - Come As You Are (MTV Unplugged, 1993 / Unedited)
Nightwish - Shoemaker
Spell of Dark - The Vastness (FA)
Bones - Witch Boy
Billy Idol - Shock To The System
Forever dead - Torture killer
Dee Snider - Become The Storm (OV)
Slipknot - The Devil in I [OV]
Sentenced - Killing me killing you
Little Horn
Rammstein - Radio (OV)
Thin Lizzy - Jailbreak
PARADISE LOST - Beneath Broken Earth (OV)