I am a dark Divine flame through winds Flying with moan into the distance And we are naked
In the dark of the mountains I set the redness of aurora ablaze By the spark of my pains By the star of my impotence
Now you are A dead raped man Like dust of the desert Into an ethereal pyramid
I am a thunder of storms But stiller than a tomb Hiding deathliness And hideousness of my graves
I - an abyss of rainbows But I would cry for myself Like a cold wind Over withered canes on a pond
I am a flash of volcanoes But in marshy lowlands I walk, like a funeral With boredom and mourning The sea plays on harps Conflagration of paradises billows And the Sun, my enemy Sun Rises praising a God
1 viestiä
I gues they never miss, huh?
I know you want to have a round with me
avaat kylpyhuoneesi oven ja näet tämän, miten toimit ?
Teattereissa 10.8. 2021
Dyson Dickin
Veti takaa
nakuankka pystytkö tähän?
Mr Coomer
Lopussa ylläri...
ihana nainen
Muna tuonne
Lahjakkaita esittelijöitä
talidomi tintti
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Ihana nainen
Ihana nainen
Quality negro for sale! Starting from 15 dollars. Can i hear 16?