00:00 Morgan Willis - The Grid of Death 02:17 Morgan Willis - Black Thunder 08:41 LazerHawk - Space is The Place 12:37 Kick Puncher - Nemesis 16:10 Crystal Bear! - Wave Justice 18:17 Heyz - Odyssey 22:07 Wice - Wormhole 25:51 Sonic Mayhem - Futureland (feat. Power Glove) 31:53 Neon Overdrive - Blood and Diesel 35:29 Time Travel - Wake Up 37:58 Fazzio - Lost In Thoughts 42:27 PanzerJagerV - The Nameless Scholar 48:46 Dan Terminus - Catastrophic Orbital Decay 55:02 Lazerhawk - Distress Signal 58:38 Muscle - Steamrollin'
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